Waiver Requirements - If you have a diploma, masters
degree or qualified Project Management training or experience, apply now for a executive waiver. If you
are not sure, simply email your resume and we will provide a review. Click Here
to Read about our Executive Exam
Waiver Protocol for Managers, Degree holders, Military, DOD
and other. See our list of certifications. Licensed Engineers now also
pre-qualify for eligibility. All applicants benefit from ISO 17024 Assessment
Exam Standards.
Instructors and Professors - If you have been qualified to
teach Project Management within the government , then you are automatically
qualified to apply for certification.
General Applications - If you have a college diploma and 3 or more years of Project Management Experience and/or qualifying PM Education and Training, you may apply for MPM™ Master Project
Manager ® , CIPM ™ Certified International Project
Manager ®
or PME ™ Project Manager E-Business ™ Board
News: IPMC ™ Approves 40+ Project Management Training Programs. Approved
Training Programs - Graduates of these training programs
can apply for a waiver to obtain the MPM ™ Master Project Manager Designation and
Credential. See
List If you take any IPMC ™ Accredited Program, you will
automatically qualify.
Click Here to enter
the Registration and
Payment Center for Individuals and Corporate
- To submit a resume,
mail to resume@certifiedprojectmanager.org You will not be charged unless you are
approved for Certification. If rejected, there is no cost to you. After you join, you are
required to agree to our professional ethics and attend PM continuing education per
. For In-House Executive
Training for companies, institutions or government
agencies: Click
Military Educational Advanced
Placement Exemptions: Approved by the Board.
* Initial Certifications
are good for 2 years and there is a nominal good standing fee after 2 years to remain a